Got a cell phone? Then consider putting these must-have phone numbers on speed dial. I found these thanks to Rodale Publishing.
Put your family on ICE. That stands for ‘In Case of Emergency.’ Paramedics recommend programming ANY emergency contact in your cell phone after the word ICE, as in “ICE-wife” or “ICE-dad.” The idea is that if you get into an accident, police can use your phone to quickly notify someone.
Another must-have number to put on speed dial is: 1-800-GOOG-411. That’s 466-4411. It’s a Google service that lets you request information just as you would on a web browser. Ask for ‘Italian Restaurants,’ and you’ll get a list of spaghetti and meatball joints within the area code you’re calling from! The best part is that Google won’t charge you – unlike some other 411 services.
The next number to program on speed dial is: 866-411-SONG. Ever been driving around, and you hear a song on the radio that you’re dying to know the name of? Call this number, and hold your phone up to the speaker for 15 seconds. The service will I.D. any song within it’s database of 2-and-a-half MILLION tunes. Then you’ll be sent a text message listing the title and artist. It’ll even give you an option to download the song onto your phone!
Next, if you’re always trying to hail a cab, then program this number on speed dial: 800-TAXI-CAB. This is a free referral service that connects you with the closest taxi company within any metro area in North America. They’ll also hook you up with a shuttle service if you’re stranded at the airport.
If you’re traveling overseas, you must have this number on speed dial: 800-752-6096. That’s a language service that will connect you to one of 170 different translators. Want to know what “la personne la plus futée dans le chambre” means? Then get a French translator on the phone to tell you it means you’re the smartest person in the room! Beware, they’ll charge you $3.95 per minute for that privilege.